His Story

Ensign Joshua Watson
Naval Aviator, Friend, Family Member, Academy Graduate, Hero
ENS Joshua Watson was born on May 22, 1996 in Enterprise, Alabama. At a young age he was inspired by his uncle Richard Lindsay, who was a former marine, to join the Navy. After graduating from Enterprise High, Watson went to the United States Naval Academy Preparatory school for a year and then to the academy afterwards. During his time at the academy he found love in many things. He was part of the 10th company. And he was also the captain of the rifle team. Joshua's chance to really experience marine life came during his 2/C year at leatherneck. However his dream of joining the marines was cut short. His plantar fasciitis no longer allowed him to finish. Afterwards he then shifted his focus to aviation and found love in that. CAPT John. D Stevens Watsons Capstone project said that Joshua was very excited when he found out he was a Navy Pilot even though he had wanted marines all his life. Joshua, while at the academy, majored in Mechanical Engineer. Many of his professors were fond of Joshua and said he was always looking to improve on himself and others.
Joshua graduated from the Naval Academy in May of 2019 and was soon on his way to Pensacola, Florida for flight school. It had only been a few months in flight school when he died. On December 6, 2019 Saudi Royal Air Force Lt. Mohammed al-Shamrani opened fire at the base. Joshua was the Officer of the Deck when he was short. After Joshua was shot, he managed to locate law enforcement and told them where the gunman was. He was transferred to Baptist hospital where he later died of his wounds. Joshua's selfless action earned him a posthumous designation as a qualified naval avatar by the acting Secretary of the Navy at the time.